Welcome to ISLA! The International Salsa & Latin Action in Zurich opens its doors to the world of Salsa, Bachata and Latin American dances. Internationally and nationally renowned artists and deejays await you with a rich programme of stages, shows and parties all shared in the new wild event location the Jungle Dance Club in the Sihlcity in Zurich, all over three different areas and dance floors. The International Salsa & Latin Swiss Dancing Congress is organised and directed by Luigi Rossiello supported by Francesco (Salsavida) to offer you an unmemorable event from Friday, 31 March 2023 until Sunday, 02. April 2023. We are waiting for you! 3 days with workshops and 3 big parties on 3 dancefloors with international and national artists and deejays. ۞ workshops ۞ entertainment ۞ shows ۞ fiesta Confirmed Artists & Dance Schools *Alberto valdes & Andria Panagi *Wylmer & Maria *Seo Fernandez *Roly Maden y Addy Mendoza *Vito & Stefania *Andrea & Silvia *Sergio & Ana *Mauro & Maria Salsa People *Rafael Gonzales *Pascal & Sabrina, Danzare *Bailaconmigo *Bailadoro *GT Bachata *Marcus Paulo, Dance Spot Zürich *Diego y Yury, Clave Latina *Mijail Galano *Alexander Martinez *Natalia Lopez *Segundo & Vera Confirmed Deejays *Pino Valerio *Galante *Rumbero *Immenso *Pepe *Theo *Alex *Yasser *Desea *Engel and many more... ۞ save your full pass now ۞ https://eventfrog.ch/islacongress LOCATION THE JUNGLE CLUB KALANDERPLATZ 1 8045 ZÜRICH Infos: Facebook: Isla Congress Instagram: @isla_congress E-Mail: islaswisscongress@gmail.com Web: www.islacongress.com See you there! Your ISLA-Team 😊 Luigi Rossiello & Francesco (Salsavida) SALSAVIDA aqui se bailaaa! https://eventfrog.ch/islacongress www.islacongress.com www.islacongress.com
Precio de entrada: CHF 30.00